The School of Consent


The School of Consent is a recognized learning resource for consent. We provide training and educational materials for the public and professionals, offering tools to support empowerment, safety, and connection.

The School’s desire is to bring the concepts of consent and personal empowerment to as many humans as possible, using the framework of the Wheel of Consent®. We envision a world where people can speak up for what they want and what they don’t want – starting with touch, extending to community life and all the way to international politics.

We inspire clarity, curiosity, and confidence.

Support our Scholarship Fund!

We offer some scholarships to students from marginalized populations - mainly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and LGBTQ folks.

Read more and donate here!

Our Courses

The Wheel of Consent Workshop

This 2-3 day workshop is for anyone who wants to experience what the Wheel of Consent is all about. In person or online.

Like a Pro

Our 5-day training for professionals, where you experience the Wheel and learn how to use it in your practice to make your sessions safe, effective, and satisfying. In person or online.

Working with Groups

For Like a Pro grads, this virtual course teaches you how to use the principles of the Wheel of Consent in group events that you facilitate. Online.

Wheel of Consent Workshop Facilitator Certification

After Like a Pro and Teaching the Wheel in Groups, you may apply to learn to facilitate the Wheel of Consent Workshop. Online.

Our people

Co-ordinating Team

Meet the folks who keep everything at the School Of Consent up and running

Click here


Meet our team of Trainers who deliver Like A Pro to the highest professional standards.

Click here


Meet the folks who have trained to facilitate workshops on the Wheel of ConsentĀ®

Click here

Our Mission

Using the Wheel of Consent® as a framework, we are committed to teaching and promoting:

  • Clarity around Receiving and Giving – distinguishing between who is doing and who it is for
  • Creating clear agreements based on transparent communication
  • Awareness of sensation in the body
  • An expanded ability to Receive, respecting the limits of the Giver
  • An expanded ability to Give, and be generous and compassionate
  • Connection, compassion and intimacy
  • Skills of empowerment
  • Understanding and integrating the ‘shadow’ aspects of each of the Quadrants

…to create the world we want to live in, where people are connected to self, others and the earth.

Our Values

  • Integrity –acknowledging that there is, in fact, something we want, being able to ask for it and respecting the boundaries of the giver
  • Generosity – being able to give with a full heart, without the need to get anything in exchange; setting aside what we want to allow another to find what they want
  • Gratitude – feeling the joy of gratitude for the gift that has been given
  • Surrender – experiencing ourselves as a gift and trusting ourselves to stay within the limits of our boundaries

What is the Wheel of Consent?

The Wheel of Consent® is a practice and a model based on the distinction between the "doing" aspect of the touch dynamic — who is doing — and the "gift" aspect — who it is for. Once that distinction is made, the entire touch dynamic becomes clear, which brings ease, confidence, self-responsibility, and freedom to the interaction.

It applies to both touch and non-touch dynamics. Indeed, the application to non-touch dynamics may be of greater import.

To learn more about the Wheel of Consent, start here.

Where is the Wheel of ConsentĀ® currently being taught?

The Wheel of ConsentĀ® has also been taught in a hospital in Ireland, an architecture firm in Sweden and to a group of women focused on leadership in the non-profit environmental sector in Mexico.
