
Here are a few of our friends.

Body Trust Circle – Excellent teachers of Erotic Embodiment – This is their Resources Page – Books, videos and more.

Cuddle Party – Easiest, friendliest, most accessible way to learn how to communicate and relax in proximity to other humans. Not a sexual event.

Foundations of Facilitation – Teaches you to create powerful, transformative workshops.

Radical Honesty – How to transform your life by telling the truth.

Ritual Play – A sensory based session inviting an interactive play dynamic.

Sexsibility Festival – The best sex positive festival in Europe with a strong emphasis on consent, and many of the facilitators are Like a Pro graduates.

The Body Electric SchoolWith over 30 years of tried and true experience, Body Electric, erotic education with highly skilled faculty and transformational workshops.

Sexological Bodywork –  A variety of educational modalities such as breathwork, conscious movement, touch, erotic massage, pelvic release bodywork, scar tissue remediation, and Orgasmic Yoga coaching.

Somatic Sex Educators Professional Training – The Somatic Sex Educators Association offers public education, professional trainings of Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork.

Possibility Management  – Clinton Callahan, Empowerment to change directions and create a sustainable way of life.

Self:cervix TrainingA new paradigm in bodywork that honours a client’s sovereignty and cervix.

Stephen Porges  – The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions.

David Linden Touch, the science of Heart, Hand and Mind.
