Like a Pro:
The Wheel of Consent for Professionals
For Affinity GroupsÂ
Like a Pro brings the transformative model of the Wheel of Consent to professionals working with topics of consent, boundaries, relational intimacy, body sovereignty, trauma recovery, sexuality, communication, and touch. Originally developed for touch practitioners, we have gradually expanded - by popular request - to include non-touch professionals as well. We welcome massage therapists, psychotherapists, physicians, tantra practitioners, sexuality guides, escorts, counselors, bodyworkers of all stripes, teachers, coaches, and just about anybody working with people.
Read more about Like a Pro and see our full schedule, our Covid protocols, cost, and application.
So - why a BIPOC-only, or a Queer-only version?
Because sometimes it's useful and nourishing to be in a space with a group you are part of, whether that's based on gender, sexuality, race, culture or other things. Because sometimes it allows questions and discussions to arise that otherwise would not.
The Founder of the Wheel of Consent, Betty Martin, says: "The Wheel of Consent was developed by a particular person with her own blind spots. Some of those are related to culture, background, education, gender, and race, among other things. I have been asked how the Wheel of Consent relates to social justice and liberation, and I have some ideas about that, but I sure don’t have it all figured out."
Will the course content differ from the usual Like a Pro?
The Wheel of Consent remains the same and the basic course content remains the same. At every Like a Pro we adapt to whoever is in the room, and whatever questions they bring, and that will remain the same. Some dynamics and feelings may arise that otherwise would not, and if so, we will honor and follow those as needed. Â
For more:
Here's an article written by a woman of color, that goes more deeply into this question.
When are these offered?
In 2025, we are offering one BIPOC and one LGBTQ+ Queer centered LAP course.
Please see our main Like A Pro course page for details.Â