Sasha Lasdon
Madison, WI, US
Sasha first took Like A Pro in 2015 and found it transformational. They took Working with Groups in 2018 to build on it, and completed the Facilitator’s Certification course in 2021. They enjoy teaching from and about the body and how we connect our insides to the outsides. They have worked with movement, sexuality, gender, bodywork and consent education for over 20 years.
In addition to being a certified Wheel of Consent facilitator, Sasha works as a Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker, teaching in a variety of contexts including medical schools, sex toy stores, contact improvisation, and circus arts settings. Their offerings are trans&queer-, kink-, and poly- friendly, and disability- and trauma-informed. Incorporating a social justice lens that recognizes how our layered social locations influence how we navigate consent helps bring additional entry points to the wisdom and skills the Wheel of Consent offers us all.