Michael Dresser

Hastings and London, UK

Michael Dresser is a queer Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Certified Wheel Of Consent workshop facilitator, and Sacred Intimate. He offers Wheel Of Consent coaching for everyone, and practical, hands-on pleasure and intimacy coaching for men who want to learn, experience and practice body to body with another man.

Choice and the needs of the individual are at the centre of each learning experience he facilitates, whether in a group, a partnership, or with an individual. Based on the south coast of England, he offers workshops throughout the UK, and one-to-one coaching for individuals and couples in Hastings, London, Belfast and online. www.wheelofconsent.coach

He also offers Wheel Practice sessions online for anyone who's taken a Wheel workshop with a registered facilitator: www.wheelofconsent.coach/wheel-of-consent-practice/
