Stella Topaz
Facilitator (she/her)
Wollongong & Sydney, Australia
I am a Wheel of Consent facilitator and a Sexological Bodyworker, with additional training in sexual pain and scar tissue remediation. I’ve been a registered nurse since the 80’s, mainly working in sexual health, HIV, and LGBTIQ* health.
I live in an older queer white body and much of my work connects to wellbeing for queer hearted and queer bodied people, and for people exploring beyond restrictive roles, binaries and social structures. I am in constant un-learning and new-learning to dismantle the effects of individual and generational racism and colonisation, to work with care and accountability.
My aim is to foster relationships to self, others and within communities to celebrate and strengthen who we uniquely are; where sex, touch, pleasure, play and embodied consent are valued and bodies are cherished.
w: stellatopaz.com
*LGBTIQ is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer