Jolien Daenen
Almere, Netherlands
Some of my most important life skills have come to me through practicing the Wheel of Consent. I have learned about my nervous system and how to stay regulated. Learning that there is always choice has really helped with that. I have become more attuned to the signals in my body telling me about my desires, what I’m willing to do and where my limits are. I have learned to communicate these limits and to ask for what I need and want.
I use these life skills in my everyday life; in my work with my clients as a bodyworker, in my relationships and in relating to myself. Combined with my practice of Non Violent Communication this has really had a big impact on my life. And because I feel so passionate about this, I want to share this practice with as many people as I can. Facilitating the Wheel of Consent allows me to do this.
You can find me at www.joliendaenen.nl and reach me at [email protected].