Sarah Anne Atkinson
Facilitator in Training
Sarah Atkinson is the Owner of Awaken BLISS. They live in the unceded, unsurrendered territory of The Algonquin, Anishnabeg people (Ottawa).
Managing a life of chronic pain led her to a wellness career. She was introduced to dance in her early childhood, this gave her a place to express energy in motion (emotion). Then came the practice of yoga, which united breath into conscious meditative movement. Thai Massage established a principle of Metta (unconditional loving kindness) that has shaped her life and career with dynamic energy in a dance of surrender. Yoga Tune Up™ brings profound physical grounding through self awareness. Now a major passion is arising in the new careers of Somatic Sex Educator and Consent advocate. She is a Facilitator in training with The School of Consent offering workshops and one on one work with the Wheel of Consent.
They believe that breath, movement, sound and safe enough community are the way to move through old patterns of ways of being and step more into the life you desire!