Christie Goode
Facilitator in Training
Canada and United States
Christie Goode is a consent embodiment trainer working with churches and Christian nonprofits.
With a master‘s in Christian theology, for 20 years Christie has been a lay preacher and a nonprofit leader advocating for education, the arts, the environment, and people facing homelessness and addiction.
In 2020, she led her church to become LGBTQ-affirming, and in 2024, she founded Queer Voices Toastmasters to empower queer public speakers.
Her workshops offer a rare blend of biblical integration and nervous system re-training (using the Wheel of Consent) to develop leaders who:
• feel safe within their limits,
• are conscious in how they use power and negotiate boundaries, and
• can hold onto the past while fostering an inclusive future.
This is effective change management training because it’s gentle, grounded in the body, and respectful of all participants.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.christiegoode.com